法國紙藝協會(Chaine de Papier)即將於2017年10月來台參加「國際紙纖維藝術雙年展」,藉此難能可貴的機會,我們邀請到法國紙藝協會的會長以及另外兩位藝術家來到信鴿,除了現場與我們分享他們的藝術品,更將帶我們親手體驗紙工藝內藏的美學。


Members of The Association Chaine de Papier, based in France, will be exhibiting in Taiwan as part of the international Biennial of Paper Fibre Art in October 2017. The president of Chaine de Papier and curator of the Biennial will present several artists’ books, including books made principally from hand-made paper. This is the opportunity to meet some of the artists and take part in a practical workshop.


【課程介紹 / Schedule】

- 第一天:10月14日(六)9:30~15:00

地點:(上午) 樹火紀念紙博物館,(下午) 信鴿法國書店 (博物館至書店步行約六分鐘)
講者:Jan Fairbairn-Edwards, Isis Olivier, Ophélie Pauchet

09:30-12:00 樹火紀念紙博物館:造紙工作坊
12:00-14:00 午休(午餐自理)
14:00-15:00 信鴿法國書店:Isis Olivier作品欣賞

- 第二天:10月15日(日)14:30~16:30


講者:Jan Fairbairn-Edwards

14:30~15:30 將前一日製作的紙裝訂成藝術書
15:30~16:30 Jan Fairbairn-Edwards作品欣賞

Day 1 (14th Oct):9:30~15:00

PAPERMAKING - participants will choose the colors and fibers, make the round papers for the book pages.
Location: Suho Paper Memorial Museum(9:30-12:00) / Librairie Le Pigeonnier(14:00-15:00) (within 6 minutes walking distance)
Speakers: Jan Fairbairn-Edwards, Isis Olivier, Ophélie Pauchet

9:30-12:00 at Suho Paper Memorial Museum: papermaking workshop
12:00-14:00 Lunch on own
14:00-15:00 at Librairie Le Pigeonnier: Presentation of Isis Olivier's artist books

Day 2 (15th Oct):14:30~16:30

BOOK BINDING - participants will bind the dried paper pages into a book using colored threads and beads.
Location: Librairie Le Pigeonnier
Speaker: Jan Fairbairn-Edwards

14:30-15:30 Bookbinding workshop
15:30-16:30 Presentation of Jan Fairbairn-Edwards's artist books



講者 Artists:

Jan Fairbairn-Edwards



Fine artist and paper maker, who specializes in artists books. She has organized the International Biennial Art – Fiber – Paper in 2012 - 2015 and The Biennial Paper-Fiber-Art 2017 at the NTCRI Nantou County.

Site : http://biennialartpaperfibre.com/blog/

Isis Olivier

紙藝家 Isis Olivier 擅長使用不同的技巧製書 :油彩、混合媒材、蝕刻和素描她以親手製作


Fine artist, who works with different techniques: oils, mixed media, etching and drawing. She makes artists’ books from her own hand-made paper. She will give a talk about it and show her books.

Site : https://isisolivier.com

Ophélie Pauchet

Ophélie Pauchet 常籌畫給孩子的創作工作坊,她是造紙師也是手工書的藝術家,現為法國紙藝協會工作,參與數起環保紙的相關計畫。

Ophélie Pauchet organizes creative workshops for children. She is a papermaker and book artist and has worked with Chaine de Papier on a number of ecological paper projects.



樹火紀念紙博物館美術教室 (台北市中山區長安東路二段68號)
信鴿法國書店 (台北市松江路97巷9號1樓)

※ 本次活動將以中英雙語進行

※ 本次活動兩堂課程有所連貫,故不得分開報名。人數限制15人
※ 兩天課程費用總計:1,800元

※ 收到您的報名信之後,我們會回覆一封確認信,預留您的名額, 再請您按照信中的匯款資料,於七天內繳交材料費、完成報名程序。(本次課程不得退費,但可轉讓,請能接受的朋友再行報名參加。)

Day 1: Saturday, October 14 @ 9:30 AM — 3:00 PM
Day 2: Sunday, October 15 @ 2:30 PM — 4:30 PM

Day 1: Suho Paper Memorial Museum (No.68, Sec. 2, Chang-An E. Rd., Taipei City ),
Tel : (02)2507 5535
Day 2: Librairie Le Pigeonnier (No. 9, Lane 97, SungChiang Road, Taipei),
Tel : (02) 2517 2616

Registration fee 1,800 NTD
Please email your name, phone number and number of participants to info@llp.com.tw After receiving your email, we will reply a confirmation message with our bank account details. Please make the transfer within 7 days to complete your registration.

The workshop will be conducted in English-Chinese.
※ This is a two-day workshop maximum of 15 participants. Please make sure that you can participate in the whole activity before registration.
※ The registration is non-refundable. You may transfer your registration to another person. (If you do not agree, please do not register.)
Equipments provided by yourselves:
Day 1: Apron. Hand towel. You are invited to bring small seeds to put in the papers.
Day 2: Awl to pierce papers. Medium thickness colored threads in cotton, linen or silk. You are invited to bring your bone folder if you have one (useful for book binding projects) and beads that are able to thread the needle through.