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Remembering Francoise (Adele Naude Santos)

I did not know her well but admired her fabulous wit, her clear intelligence and her personal warmth. I knew her as a loving companion to Sophie whose talent she delighted in, and was supportive of in many ways. She of course dressed in Sophie Hong clothes, which suited her wonderfully! The shop was where we met many times, both dressed in these fabulous garments. We even had some items in common like the black velvet waistcoat, a present to me from Sophie! We both wore big glasses, which complimented our attire. It felt a bit like a sisterhood and I felt that we had known each other a long time. She gave me charming presents published by Le Pigeonniere. Knowing that she loved cartography I sent her a book of old maps of Boston. It was always fun to meet and there was always lots of laughter. One visit I brought her a good bottle of California cabernet. A picnic of wine and cheese was arranged in her bookstore after closing. The store was a treasure trove, and she showed great pride in the range of books. Here in this special place she created, I understood what a cultured person she was, the depth of love she had for the French language and her passion to keep her culture alive. Her French accent survived years of living in Taiwan. It was charming, and complimented her lively personality. She was a compelling and lovable person whom I will really miss !